“It is up to us to tell our story, in our own way, without stuttering, without stammering, without whispering, without apologies.” Baba Runoko Rashidi

If you have not heard of him yet, then you should. Every black man, woman and child who cares about the black African presence on this planet, should be familiar with the work of the late Baba Runoko Rashidi. My heart is heavy as I remember my special friend and our conversations about his work. I recall his passion and even deep sadness at times. I am deeply honoured that his presence has blessed my path in this life and it is my hope that you will honour his memory and his work and help to spread the legacy of a man who spent much of his life giving to us, the Black African community worldwide. Thank you Baba Rashidi for answering the call, the mission.

Runoko Rashidi born in Los Angeles, California on December 3, 1949 was a prominent Black American historian and scholar known for his work on African history and the African diaspora. He was particularly noted for his research into ancient African civilizations and their global influence. Runoko Rashidi was deeply engaged in exploring and documenting the historical contributions of African people across the globe. He traveled extensively to explore and document the history and contributions of African people worldwide. His work aimed to challenge historical misconceptions and highlight the rich heritage of African cultures. Rashidi was a passionate advocate for educating people about African history and contributions.

Here are a few specifics of his work:

  1. Research and Publications: Rashidi wrote extensively on the African diaspora and ancient African civilizations. His notable works include "African Presence in Early Asia," where he examined evidence of African people in Asia before the era of the transatlantic slave trade, and "The Global African Community," which discusses the African diaspora and its global impact.
  2. Fieldwork and Exploration: Rashidi traveled to many countries, including Egypt, India, and China, to research and document African influences and evidence of African presence in ancient societies. His fieldwork aimed to uncover and highlight the often-overlooked connections between Africa and other regions.
  3. Lectures and Advocacy: He was a passionate speaker and educator, giving lectures and presentations worldwide. Rashidi worked to challenge and correct misconceptions about African history and to promote a more accurate understanding of African contributions to global civilization.
  4. Visual Documentation: Rashidi compiled a significant amount of visual evidence, including photographs and artifacts, to support his research and educate the public about African history. His presentations often featured these visuals to illustrate the African presence in various historical contexts.

Baba Runoko Rashidi authored several books that delve into African history and the African diaspora. Some of his notable works include:

  1. "African Presence in Early Asia" – Examines the presence and influence of Africans in Asia before the modern era.
  2. "The Global African Community: The African Presence in Asia, Europe, and the Americas" – Explores the widespread impact of African people across different continents.
  3. "The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality" – Investigates the origins of ancient civilizations and their connections to Africa.
  4. "Introduction to the Black Presence in Ancient Europe" – Focuses on the historical presence and contributions of Black people in ancient Europe.
  5. "The Black Presence in the Bible" – Looks at the role and representation of African people in biblical texts and history.

These books reflect his commitment to highlighting the significant yet often overlooked contributions of African people throughout history. 

Overall, Rashidi's work was instrumental in reshaping the narrative around African history and demonstrating its profound global influence.

Runoko Rashidi passed away on August 2, 2015.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for being here.